Mia Nakajima


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  • Tips and Tricks for Working with Satellite Imagery


    I am currently working with Google Earth Engine to do machine learning with satellite imagery. These are a couple of things I learned/wish I had known before pressing run on my code. šŸ˜…

  • Stochastic Optimization of Electric Grid Forecasts


    I am currently trying to reproduce a paper ā€œTask-based End-to-end Model Learning in Stochastic Optimizationā€ by Priya Donti, Brandon Amos and J. Zico Kolter. In this paper, they propose a method to learn to predict something, taking into account the end task that the prediction would be used for.

  • Learnings from Kaggle House Prices Competition - Part 1


    I wanted to try getting familiar with sklearnā€™s machine learning pipeline, so I started applying it to the Kaggle House Prices Competition. The data comprised of housing prices in Ames, Iowa with 79 features. I ended up learning a lot through the whole process.